Causes of High Colesterol
(NC)-High cholesterol affects more than 10 million Canadians and is a modifiable risk factor for heart disease, the number one killer of Canadians. If you have recently been told that you have high cholesterol, you may have been very surprised. High cholesterol has no symptoms and anyone can develop it regardless of age, weight, gender, race or ethnic background.
It is important to understand that only 20 per cent of your cholesterol comes from the food you eat. The remaining 80 per cent is manufactured in the body by your liver. However, even though you may be eating well and exercising regularly, you may still have elevated cholesterol levels. Do not be discouraged. Sometimes lifestyle changes alone are not enough and your doctor may recommend medication to reduce your high cholesterol.
Treatment Options
The most commonly prescribed medications to lower cholesterol levels are statins, which work by restricting the liver's production of cholesterol. Statins can significantly lower LDL-cholesterol, raise HDL-cholesterol, and some even lower blood triglyceride levels, another element in determining your total cholesterol level.
When you take cholesterol-lowering medication, you still need to reduce dietary intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, and exercise on a daily basis. It is essential that you take your medication as recommended. Even when your cholesterol levels are reduced, do not stop taking your medication without discussing it first with your physician.
It is important to understand that only 20 per cent of your cholesterol comes from the food you eat. The remaining 80 per cent is manufactured in the body by your liver. However, even though you may be eating well and exercising regularly, you may still have elevated cholesterol levels. Do not be discouraged. Sometimes lifestyle changes alone are not enough and your doctor may recommend medication to reduce your high cholesterol.
Treatment Options
The most commonly prescribed medications to lower cholesterol levels are statins, which work by restricting the liver's production of cholesterol. Statins can significantly lower LDL-cholesterol, raise HDL-cholesterol, and some even lower blood triglyceride levels, another element in determining your total cholesterol level.
When you take cholesterol-lowering medication, you still need to reduce dietary intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, and exercise on a daily basis. It is essential that you take your medication as recommended. Even when your cholesterol levels are reduced, do not stop taking your medication without discussing it first with your physician.